About Me

My name is Iris Nevins. I am a software engineering manager, writer, and entrepreneur with a passion for social justice and humanitarian causes. 

I started this blog back in college, which means that it has transformed many times over the last 7 years. I used to write about things like hair and race, then I dabbled in writing about politics, then I started writing about my work as a teacher. Many writings I have taken down, and some I have yet to complete. But here’s a run through of what I’ve been up to lately.

In 2016 I left my job as a teacher and my activism work to pursue a career in technology. I spent 4 months in a software engineering fellowship bootcamp and then 2 months job hunting before I landed my first job in tech as a software engineer.

Since then I have grown tremendously and I now work as a software engineering manager.

Over the years I have launched multiple side projects and businesses.  You can learn more about these here.

My biggest dream is to see humanity evolve towards a more equitable, compassionate, and just world without war and state sanctioned violence. I see myself as an agent for change and I am deeply motivated by social justice and humanitarian causes. I am always seeking ways to have an impact on the world and continue to explore different modes of contribution so that I can one day figure out what my long term contribution to the world will be.

In a nutshell, I love solving problems , leading teams, and helping people be their best selves and aim to one day use my talents to help humanity! 

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